Ngenzi/CPCR: non observance of presomption of innocence?

Yesterday , Monday 3 November , Toulouse district court let us know its decision about the « notice to appear » lodged by Octavien NGENZI’s lawyer against the CPCR and its President , accused of « non observance of presumption of innocence » 

The summary order clearly points out that the CPCR president’s statement , on line in May 2014 didn’t undermine Mr NGENZI’s presumption of innocence . It is worth noticing the total absence of attack on the “presumption of innocence , that is to say :The absence of any attack of the 9-1 article of the French civil code. The summary order conclusion is : on this basis we  declare that Mr Octavien NGENZI’s claims have no grounds for an emergency proceeding. We order  Mr Octavien NGENZI  to pay costs to the district court and pay the sum of 2000 euros to MR GAUTHIER and the CPCR for Rwanda, according to the 700 article of the penal code.

This decision is the triumph of justice and wisdom, and we are delighted to hear it , of course . BUT it seems as if Mr NGENZI might call for an appeal. This case has already been too long and it is time to turn to the next trial in front of a court of justice with calm and serenity.

No need to remind you that after Mr NGENZI and BARAHIRA’s lost appeal against the order of the investigating judges, they are in the final court of appeal. No news ,today, about this last procedure.

May all the people sharing this good news be thanked for the precious support they give us.

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