Vénuste Nyombayire indicted

An AFP report tells us that Vénuste Nyombayire has been indicted on the complaint that the CPCR had filed against him in December 2011. Released on bail, the prosecution appealed.

The new indictment can only applaud all those who are fighting for justice for the victims of the genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994. Vénuste Nyombayire continued especially for having executed employees and young orphans of the Village SOS Gikongoro. The decision of the French court shows that the SCRC , by filing a complaint , had good reasons to do so : the judges have forged their own belief investigating place in Rwanda.

Of course, we can only regret the many attermoiements the French justice for years. But we must also acknowledge the work of the judges of the High Court of Paris ” crimes against humanity pole ” since the creation of this instance, as things have changed considerably. Many letters rogatory lead judges and investigators in the field, a prerequisite to advance justice. The new indictment strengthens us, the CPCR in the fairness and legitimacy of our struggle. More often , judges make decisions that are in line with our commitment to the victims. It’s not up to us to make justice. But without the hard work that we provide for years, with the support of other associations, it is likely that the Rwandan genocide suspects on French soil would sink happily in their home countries.

Our struggle, we will continue ” without hatred or revenge,” in the words of Simon Wiesenthal, but with great determination. In February will begin the trial in the Assize Pascal Simbikangwa historic trial, if any. An opportunity to appeal to all those who, like us, believe that justice must be done and who are willing to help us financially. We need all the good wishes.

CPCR: collectifpartiescivilesrwanda.fr

CPCR, 61 Avenue Jean Jaurès 51100 Reims




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