Simbikangwa trial – 14th of February

 Hearing of M. Phesans Bertrand, a clinical psychologist.

On the last day of the second week, a new expert, Mr. Bertrand Phesans is consulted at the request of the defense of Mr. Simbikangwa, dissatisfied with that of Madame Sironi, which was heard yesterday. The psychological against expertise has not fundamentally changed the conclusions of the first : normal intellectual efficiency, no neurosis, defensive position on the edge of incoherence, affabulatrice trend. Many traits that appear during the trial. Mr. Simbikangwa trivializes the consequences of his accident in 1986. It defines an embittered character, feeling a sense of injustice, where aggression towards others. Mr. Simbikangwa grew up in a culture of constant hatred of the Tutsi. As he chose to back up the President, everything collapses when the President dies. During the genocide, he said he had done nothing, staying in his office. Genocide ? A spontaneous reaction of the population. If he was arrested, it was the French who wanted him, with the help of the RPF.

On the occasion of the session of questions, the expert insists that Pascal Simbikangwa denies the reality of things. Which holds him at the time is the support of the Presidency. His ability to fabrication is especially made ​​to deceive himself and not others. The hatred of the Tutsi is normal for him, he did what he asked the president. Kill Tutsis, it was commonplace for him… He recognizes no killing until April 1994. “I’m not lying. I have nothing to hide because I did nothing.” In fact, this against-expertise does not contradict the previous one. And yet, after meeting the expert Pascal Simbikangwa had sent a letter to the judge to thank: “This is the psychologist whosse impartiality I salute.” Understand who can.

Hearing of master Eric Gillet, Lawyer to the Bar of Brussels.

Mr. Gillet knows Rwanda for having made inquiries. Following the massacre of Bagogwe Tutsi tribe that lives in the midst of his flocks in the prefecture of Gisenyi, Eric Gillet decides to conduct an international investigation. A report published in March 1993 in which we speak of “the akazu”, a pattern of people who have seized power, resources, banks. The members of this “organization” belonged mostly to the circle of the presidential family to which aggregated military. In 1993, members of the committee heard from other Pascal Simbikangwa as being associated with death squads. He is also known for torturing journalists. Simbikangwa had submitted a dossier to investigators just before their departure : but after reading, it was deemed not credible . This document denounced the crimes committed by the RPF in the country (although it was present only in the north). Alison Desforges, a commission member, mentioned the name of Pascal Simbikangwa during a speech in Genev as part of people able to stop the genocide. On the other hand, many works cite the name of Pascal Simbikangwa. We read in one of them that the plan to kill Mr. Gatabazi, president of the PSD, was hatched in the house Simbikangwa. This assassination will take place on 21 February 1994. Asked whether the associations of human rights in Rwanda, including that of Mr. Gasana Ndoba were handled by the RPF (that defense), Mr. Gillet says no. The latter states that Pascal Simbikangwa was ” the interface between the militia and the army.”

Then comes Master Bourgeot defense. See previous statement.

Hearing of Mr. Frantz Prosper, expert psychiatrist .

The new expert will note that meetings with Pascal Simbikangwa took place in a “perfect courtesy “, he was constantly keeping control of things. Simbikangwa was anxious to explain, convince, held clear about, posed, argued… No evidence of mental deficiency. It is sad his situation, he has no disorder that has an impact on his knowledge of the facts. In interviews, Pascal Simbikangwa tribute to his parents (Hutsi as we used to say), but it feels Hutu. Educated in the Catholic faith, he said he lived according to the values ​​of this belief. “I’m Hutu, I could not kill Hutu.e My mother is Tutsi I could not kill Tutsi. My religion forbids me to kill !” Simbikangwa could he act under the influence of a disordr ? No. He denies any involvement in the genocide. The expert defines it as a “small voluntary executioner .”

Simbikangwa argued and answered everything. ” He saved Tutsi. He knows what he saved,” added the expert. Simbikangwa claims to be returned to Kigali to supply the people hidden in his . Yet we acknowledge the contrary ! After stressing the strong attachment that shows the continued against President Habyarimana, Mr. Prosper added : “At Simbikangwa no naivety about what was happening He has a good understanding of what happens if he participated in the genocide, he did knowingly . If found guilty, he will be responsible . ”

A series of questions will then be put to the accused. Some of his statements :

– “I enjoyed the conclusion of Mr. Phesant , but I did not read everything. ”

– ” With the death of President , I had a major psychological shock I lost a man I loved , it was a unifying . . ”

– ” Gillet Habyarimana insulted when he received many awards. ”

– ” Habyarimana was national unity I thought he could work with Kagame The Arusha Accords were not sufficiently favorable to the RPF He could only continue the war. . . . ”

– ” ? Massacre Bagogwe There were only two deaths , a Hutu and a Tutsi who fought and eleven in Bugesera These are the facts that have been brought to the attention of the intelligence services . . . ”

– ” All text Alison in ” None to Tell the Story , ” is false.

The day will end with a screening of the film ” From Arusha to Arusha.


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