New complaint about a Rwandan suspect of genocide.

New complaint about a Rwandan suspect of genocide.

The CPCR: the collective of civil plaintiffs for Rwanda, has just brought a complaint against Felicien BALIGIRA , A Rwandan suspect of genocide ,living on the French territory in Nantes. The French justice refused his extradition because the Rwandan penal code had no jail sentence for crime of genocide before it took place. A blind application process of a non retroactive principle.

This decision coming from the court of cassation has been repeated 17 times, and argued several times by lawyers (cf. Damien Roets’ article (CPCR). Mr BALIGIRA comes from the old prefecture of Cyangugu in Rwanda, Bushenge precisely. He was in Ruhengeri when Protais ZIGIRANYIRAZO, Agathe Habyarimana Kanziga’s brother, was the prefect of the region. Later, he became a MRND deputy. He is suspected of organizing meetings to get ready for the genocide, as early as 1993 and in April 1994, in the villages of Gisuma and Gafunzo, as well as recruiting young people for military training in Bushenge hospital. He probably took part and organized the slaughters of Tutsi refugees in Bushenge hospital and in the catholic parish of Shangi, Mibilizi, and in Kamarampaka stadium. He could be responsible for the extermination of a whole family.

This new complaint is brought just a few days after the conclusions of the prosecutor’s investigation.

TWO suspects of genocide are in jail in France. Octavien NGENZI and Tito BARAHIRA. The investigation judges will let us know their committed order in a few weeks so that a new trial in the criminal court should be held in Paris.

2 other suspects of genocide, from Kibuye are in jail : Charles TWAGIRA , a doctor and a preacher, and Claude MUHAYIMANA , an INTERAHAMWE , both of them lived in Rouen. The CPCR started the complaint procedure.

Alain Gauthier, president of the CPCR

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