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Closing of TPIR: why should the international community not fund the trials in France?

After  the closing of the international criminal court for Rwanda, why should the international community  not  fund the trials in France ?   The spokesman of the international court for Rwanda has announced that the criminal court will stop its activities in September 30 , 2015. It’s not the first time that this closing has been delayed .However, we may think that it’s the right date now. 61 sentences , among them , 7 are on appeal (Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and Co) 14 have been discharged and  $ 2 billion have been spent ( $ 1.644.759.300 in December31, 2011 ) in …

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The Civil Plaintiffs Collective for Rwanda (CPCR) needs you!

The Civil Plaintiffs Collective for Rwanda (CPCR) needs you! As you probably know, new historic trials will be held in France in 2015. The CPCR will of course follow them closely to relate, explain and decrypt them for you. But we are in dire financial straits! The legal proceedings are becoming more and more numerous; the expenses are increasing and go well beyond our association’s budget… So, after more than 10 years of independent funding, sometimes backed up by our own private funds, we are obliged to make an urgent appeal to you all: voluntary helpers, sympathizers, citizens, humanists and friends … PLEASE DONATE NOW! The CPCR is a …

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“Rwanda’s untold story.” : really?

The broadcasting of a documentary on BBC2, lately, about the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda has stirred up numerous and legitimate reactions. Even if the allegations developed in the film , are ,for the most part, overused , they can only create doubt and perplexity upon those who don’t really know what it is all about and feed revisionism , all too alive, especially in France. Accuse President Kagame of shooting down president HABYARIMANA’splane is to cling to judge Bruguière’s conclusions, and forget that they belong to the past . A new French magistrate, judge Marc TREVIDIC , has clearly asserted …

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Ngenzi and Barahira : appeal rejected

The investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal of Paris has announced yesterday September 25 Decision on appeal and gentlemen Ngenzi Barahira against the order of impeachment of judges. As we hoped, the appeal was rejected. Gentlemen Ngenzi Barahira and have 5 days to lodge an appeal, but the decision just taken comforts us in the legitimacy of our struggle.

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UN-ICTR (TPRI) : life sentence confirmed for Callixte NZABONIMANA

The UN ICTR , before it closed, said that high authorities, because of their influence on the population, should be made responsible for the crime of genocide. The confirmation of a life sentence for Callixte NZABONIMANA, former Minister of Youth is a consequence.

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French Senate – Symposium organized by RBF France

This Monday, June 30, 2014 was held in the Senate Chamber Monnerville a symposium entitled “Rwanda: Reflections on the last genocide of the twentieth century.” After the words of welcome by Senator Alain Fauconnier, who sponsored the event word, it was the turn of David KHALFA, President of RBF France, the host association to present day. First round table moderated by Valérie Hannin gave the floor to historians: Gérard Prunier, author of “Rwanda: Genocide” (1995 and 1997 for the original version for the French version), Jacques SEMELIN, historian and political scientist, author of “Purify and destroy” (2012), Raymond Kevorkian specialist …

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Interview of Alain Gauthier on the 16th of June.

Alain Gauthier, president of the Collective of Civil Parties for Rwanda (CPCR) exchanges clearly and alive with journalists, and puts into perspective in a very contemporary way the role of the different stakeholders – including France! –in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Listen to the interview to better understand the ins and outs of the struggle of the CPCR since 2001 for justice and memory due to the victims of the last genocide of the twentieth century.

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NGENZI APPEALS AGAINST THE COURT ORDER INDICTMENT We have just heard that Ngenzi has just appealed against the court order indictment from the investigating judges.Barahira is about to do the same. A strategy to delay the procedure, most probably!   “according to the 186-2  penal code article, the investigation chamber must proceed to judgment within 4 months ,from the date of the  court order. If not ,there will be a statutory release for the prisoner. During these 4 months, the investigation chamber  can set out any additional information  which might be helpful” (Damien Roets, law specialist) Yet, it is quite …

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New complaint about a Rwandan suspect of genocide.

New complaint about a Rwandan suspect of genocide. The CPCR: the collective of civil plaintiffs for Rwanda, has just brought a complaint against Felicien BALIGIRA , A Rwandan suspect of genocide ,living on the French territory in Nantes. The French justice refused his extradition because the Rwandan penal code had no jail sentence for crime of genocide before it took place. A blind application process of a non retroactive principle. This decision coming from the court of cassation has been repeated 17 times, and argued several times by lawyers (cf. Damien Roets’ article (CPCR). Mr BALIGIRA comes from the old …

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NGENZI and BARAHIRA brought to the criminal court of justice

NGENZI / BARAHIRA brought to the criminal court of justice by the investigating judges On Friday 30 May, investigating judges published a commited order about NGENZI /BARAHIRA cases. As a consequence, they will be accused of “genocide and crimes against humanity” following the conclusions of the prosecutor’s investigation. Now, we are waiting for the date of the next trial in the criminal court, the 2nd after Simbikangwa’s trial, convicted of crimes against humanity and genocide. We must point out that a partial submission has been required about “the joint arrangement in order to commit a genocide”. The civil plaintiffs have …

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New complaint about a rwandan suspect of genocide

New complaint about a Rwandan suspect of genocide The CPCR: the collective of civil plaintiffs for Rwanda, has just brought a complaint against Felicien BALIGIRA, a Rwandan suspect of genocide, living on the French territory in Nantes. The French justice refused his extradition because the Rwandan penal code had no jail sentence for crime of genocide before it took place. A blind application process of a non retroactive principle. This decision coming from the court of cassation has been repeated 17 times, and argued several times by lawyers (cf. Damien Roets’ article) (CPCR). Mr BALIGIRA comes from the old prefecture …

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Pascal Simbikangwa trial : Alain GAUTHIER ‘s hearing. President of the CPCR

Pascal  Simbikangwa  trial : Alain GAUTHIER ‘s hearing. President of the CPCR   Mr President,Ladies and Glentlemen of the court,ladies and Glentlemen the jurors.   “The print of a genocide: it is not fury,it is silence.”  La fantaisie des Dieux,   BD de Patrick de Saint –Exupéry et Hippolyte , Avril  1994. Here I stand infront of this court of justice,both as a family, victim of the genocide, and President of the CPCR : The collective of civil plaintiffs for Rwanda . An association which has legal standing to file civil cases against fugitives. A complaint was brought against Pascal  Simbikangwa …

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Simbikangwa trial – 14th of February

 Hearing of M. Phesans Bertrand, a clinical psychologist. On the last day of the second week, a new expert, Mr. Bertrand Phesans is consulted at the request of the defense of Mr. Simbikangwa, dissatisfied with that of Madame Sironi, which was heard yesterday. The psychological against expertise has not fundamentally changed the conclusions of the first : normal intellectual efficiency, no neurosis, defensive position on the edge of incoherence, affabulatrice trend. Many traits that appear during the trial. Mr. Simbikangwa trivializes the consequences of his accident in 1986. It defines an embittered character, feeling a sense of injustice, where aggression …

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Kangura invites itself to the Assize

Kangura comes back to the Paris Assize. The last day was marked by an unfortunate “incident.” While the witness Eric Gillet, lawyer to the Bar of Brussels, finished his testimony, a Pascal Simbikangwa’s lawyer, master Alexandra Bourgeot short of arguments, dared to address the witness as follows: “You had some intimate relations with Rwandans! “Mid-question, half statement. Protests on the bench plaintiffs, on the side of the Advocate General and murmurs in the room. And add, with some malice: “You had a Rwandan girlfriend! “Not to say Tutsi! How to endure such insinuations in a criminal court, where a genocide …

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