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Appeal trial of SIMBIKANGWA. Tuesday 25fth of October 2016. D1.

The appeal trial of Pascal SIMBIKANGWA opened this morning at then Assizes Court of Bobigny. The media has spread the word : no one is there, almost. It is true that “the Tutsi genocide does not interest anyone”. The morning began with a brief examination of the identity of the accused. Then the President of the Court, Mr. Régis De JORNA, conducted a draw for 9 holder jurors and 5 alternate jurors who were then sworn in. The morning ended with the mention of the associations bringing the civil suits : the CPCR, FIDH, LDH, SURVIE and LICRA. A good …

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appeal trial in Bobigny

The sentence of 25 years of imprisonment for “genocide and complicity in crimes against humanity” has been confirmed after the appeal trial held from the 25th of October to the 3rd of December 2016 at the Assize Court of Bobigny. Pascal SIMBIKANGWA has already been sentenced to the same sentence of the 14th of March 2014 after a two month trial at the Assize Court in Paris. Arrested in Mayotte for selling forged documents when he was already wanted by Interpol for genocide, the former captain of the Rwandan army, a member of the intelligence services of the Habyarimana regime, …

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Pascal SIMBIKANGWAs appeal : Press release

On the 14th of March 2014, the jury of the Assize Court of Paris, sentenced Mr. Pascal SIMBIKANGWA to 25 years imprisonment for “genocide and complicity in crimes against humanity”. His appeal trial will take place from October 25ft to December 9th and the Bobigny Assize Court. Mr. Pascal SIMBIKANGWA, who has denied all the allegations made against him, has made an appeal of his conviction ? It’s an opportunity for us to remember that in 1994, in Rwanda, over one million people were exterminated for being Tutsi. This first conviction was more recently followed by the one of Mr. …

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Ngenzi/Barahira trial : Plea of the CPCR lawyer Maître Dechaumet

Mr President, Gentlemen Councillors, Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, It is with pride, but mostly humility that I stand before you in support of the interest of the Collectif des Parties Civiles pour le Rwanda and the fifteen civilian individuals that we represent with my colleague Michel Laval. As we arrive almost at the end of this trial with, for me, a lot of emotion, I must admit that these two months of hearings were also for me, as for you I imagine, deeply upsetting… Upsetting as a lawyer of course, as a citizen, but also as a woman …

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Trial of NGENZI/BARAHIRA. May 27th 2016, Day 13th

Mr Eliezer NGENDAHIMANA’s hearing (farmer). The witness reports about the “security meeting” which took part on April 13th, 1994, on the Cyinzovu football field and led by Mr Tito BARAHIRA . Locals were supposedly invited to this meeting with a letter that one of them received, Samuel NSENGIYUMVA. The aim was to discuss about the situation for each cell. Reproaches were made to the Rugazy’s people for not taking care of their own cell’s security. They were also asked to help Nyabisenga’s people but they refused. Instruction was “not to kill Tutsi women who were married to Hutu, because those …

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Christiane Taubira’s resignation : shall we regret her ?

We have just heard of ChristianeTaubira’s resignation, Mr Valls’ minister of justice. At once, she was replaced by Mr Jean Jacques Uroas, very close to the prime minister, but totally unknown to us and the CPCR. “Sometimes, Resist means Stay “  “sometimes , Resist is Leave”, she said in her tweet. Of course, nobody is surprised by this resignation considering the French political context. Does the CPCR have to regret her? It’s hard to say but we probably lose the person who, among the French government ,  was the most sensible about the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda She came where …

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RWANDA : “THE ICTR IS CLOSED BUT PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE GENOCIDE ARE STILL FREE “ Opened in 1995 , in Arusha , Tanzania, the ICTR (international criminal tribunal for Rwanda ) ,the first tribunal which rendered judgments against people suspected of joining in with the Tutsi genocide, rendered his last verdict December 14 , 2015. The MTPI  (a mechanism within UNO) is going to come after , in order to deal with the last fugitives accused of planning the April-June 1994 genocide in which  800.000 people died (mostly Tutsi) , to arrest and judge them . When it worked …

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France 2 and Paris Match always silent: they don’t want to admit their fault. Reaction of CPCR.

MR THUILLER AND MR ROYAN , Last February  5, 2015, I sent you a letter on behalf of our association and the victims that we embody, a protest letter to Mr Thevenot , a journalist and the guest of the day : YOU Mr ROYAN , about the “misconduct”  in TELE MATIN broadcasted January , 31. The 1994 Tutsi genocide was presented as “ the Rwandan genocide, during which Hutu had been entirely exterminated by Tutsi “This distorted truth  regarding history had raised much emotion among victims and all those who know and support the historical truth. On February3, Mr …

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Open letter to Thierry THULLIER, program director on France 2 and Olivier ROYANT, director of editorial at Paris Match.

SIRS, On February 5, 2015, I sent you a letter, Mr ROYANT, to protest against the words you uttered, together with Damien THEVENOT, a journalist on France 2 , during the program “ Télé Matin” presented by William LEYMERGIE . It is unnecessary to quote these words again, they have been largely denounced. To sum up, you spoke of the 1994 Tutsi genocide, asserting that Hutu had been exterminated by Tutsi, thus, re writing History. Writing to you, as other people did, I was too naïve to think that you would apologize. You might have said that you made a …

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CPCR/Gauthier/Ngenzi’case. Toulouse court of appeal confirms that there was no infringement of the presumption of innocence.

Last wednesday, Toulouse court of appeal confirmed the decision taken in the court of first instance in the CPCR/GAUTHIER/NGENZI’case.The statement posted on the internet by Alain GAUTHIER, president of CPCR, in May 14 2014 didn’t infringue the presumption of innocence. We expected such a decision but we must thank our lawyers for their work. However, we regret all the time, energy and money spent on such a case which might have been unnecessary. Now, let’s go to the fundamental point: Mr NGENZI, as well as Mr BARAHIRA, co accused, after using all the legal recourses, will have to appear before …

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THE HUTU GENOCIDE BY TUTSI : France 2 broadcasting.

THE HUTU GENOCIDE BY TUTSI : France 2 broadcasting   I n the program “Télé Matin” broadcasted by France 2 (French television) , January 31, 2105 and presented by William  LEYMERGIE , we are shown a work by Paris Match where photos , published during the past 60 years ,are selected by the weekly magazine . The journalist, Damien THEVENOT, whose guest is Mr Olivier ROYAN, director of editorial at Paris Match, asks his first question  about a photo showing people , who had run away with the perpetrators of the genocide in 1994, coming back to Rwanda .   Damien …

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