CPCR/Gauthier/Ngenzi’case. Toulouse court of appeal confirms that there was no infringement of the presumption of innocence.

Last wednesday, Toulouse court of appeal confirmed the decision taken in the court of first instance in the CPCR/GAUTHIER/NGENZI’case.The statement posted on the internet by Alain GAUTHIER, president of CPCR, in May 14 2014 didn’t infringue the presumption of innocence. We expected such a decision but we must thank our lawyers for their work. However, we regret all the time, energy and money spent on such a case which might have been unnecessary.

Now, let’s go to the fundamental point: Mr NGENZI, as well as Mr BARAHIRA, co accused, after using all the legal recourses, will have to appear before Paris criminal court of justice. The date of this new trial against people suspected of joining in with the Tutsi genocide in 1994 is unknown. It seems as if this trial could not take place before the beginningof next year. Let’s remember that we are waiting for Pascal SIMBIKANGWA’s appeal trial, sentenced for genocide and accomplice crimes against humanity in March 2014. Not to mention the numerous other cases (about 30) which are instructed by the “crime against humanity section” created in Paris in January 2013. We can also mention Dr Charles TWAGIRA and Claude MUHAYIMANA’cases, in pre trial detention in parisian jails. We mustn’t forget the two handed to the french justice by TPIR (priest Wenceslas MUNYESHYAKA and Laurent BUCYIBARUTA), Mrs Agathe KANZIGA HABYARIMANA is rarely mentioned. We are waiting for the European court of Human Rights and its decision. Mrs KANZIGA HABYARIMANA turned to it after being refused a residence permit by the french justice.

In fact, if the CPCR fight as welle as other associations (Survie, la LICRA, FIDH et LDH) began long ago, we are just starting going through hard times. How long will it take to judge all the people suspected of taking part in the Tutsi genocide and sheltered in France. We need the support of all so that to restore dignity to victims and families.

Alain GAUTHIER, president of CPCR

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